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  1. Hotta, W., Haga, C., Morimoto, J., Suzuki, S. N., Matsui, T., Owari, T., ... & Nakamura, F. (2023). Leaving disturbance legacies conserves boreal conifers and maximizes net CO2 absorption under climate change and more frequent and larger windthrow regimes. Landscape Ecology, 1-21.

  2. Aruga, N., Morita, K., Aruga, M., Ueda, K., Fujii, K., Orito, K., ... & Nakamura, F. (2023). Spawning habitat characteristics and egg mortality in relation to river geomorphology and run-times of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in a metropolitan river system, northern Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 106(6), 1277-1293.

  3. Irie, T., Kawamura, K., Yamanaka, S., & Nakamura, F. (2023). Effects of plantation intensity on longhorn and carabid beetles in conifer plantations mixed with broadleaved trees in northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 1-8.

  4. Yu Nagata, Nobuo Ishiyama, Futoshi Nakamura, Hideaki Shibata, Karibu Fukuzawa, Junko Morimoto, Contribution of hydrological connectivity in maintaining aquatic plant communities in remnant floodplain ponds in agricultural landscapes.(農地景観の氾濫原湖沼における水生植物群集の維持に寄与する水文学的連結性の役割), Wetlands

  5. Kawamura, K., Yamaura, Y., & Nakamura, F. (2023). Early successional habitats created through plantation harvesting benefit the Gray Nightjar (Caprimulgus jotaka): An 8-year survey in central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 1-8.

  6. Li, J., Morimoto, J., Hotta, W., Suzuki, S. N., Owari, T., Toyoshima, M., & Nakamura, F. (2023). The 30-year impact of post-windthrow management on the forest regeneration process in northern Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 19(2), 227-242.

  7. Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Haga, C., Suzuki, S.N., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F. (2021) Long-term cumulative impacts of windthrow and subsequent management on tree species composition and aboveground biomass: A simulation study considering regeneration on downed logs. Forest Ecology and Management 502: 119728.

  8. Nakajima S, Sueyoshi M, Hirota SK, Ishiyama N, Matsuo A, Suyama Y, Nakamura F. (accepted) "A strategic sampling design revealed the local genetic structure of cold-water fluvial sculpin: a focus on groundwater-dependent water temperature heterogeneity" Heredity 

  9. Yamada,N.,  Morimoto,J.,  Nakamura,F.,  Sonda,S., .Initial vegetation recovery and revegetation using regional resources in landslide areas following the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake   ; Journal of The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology

  10. Takinami, H., Ishiyama, N.*, Hino, T., Kubo, T., Tomita, K., Tsujino, M. and Nakamura, F. Young citizen sensors for managing large carnivores: lessons from 40 years of monitoring a brown bear population ; “Conservation Science and Practice"

  11. Junko Morimoto, Mio Sugiura, Miho Morimoto, Futoshi Nakamura ;Restoration of Natural Forests after Severe Wind Disturbance in a Cold, Snowy Region with a Deer Population: Implications from 15-year Field Experiments;  Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

  12. Keita Kawajiri, Nobuo Ishiyama, Kazuki Miura, Akira Terui, Masanao Sueyoshi, Futoshi Nakamura ;The relative effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the recruitment of freshwater mussels (Margaritifera laevis).

  13. Shoji, Yasushi; Tsuge, Takahiro; Kubo, Takahiro; Nakamura, Futoshi,  in which Shoji-sensei is corresponding author; Relational values help explain green infrastructure preferences: The case of managing crane habitat in Hokkaido, Japan" by Kim, Hyerin;  People and Nature

  14.  Kitazawa Munehiro, Yamaura Yuichi, Kawamura Kazuhiro, Senzaki Masayuki, Yamanaka Datoshi, Hanioka Masashi, Nakamura FutoshiConservation values of abandoned farmland for birds: a functional group approach Biodiversity and Conservation (IF: 2.9)

  15. Suzuki, K., Ishiyama, N*., Koizumi I. and Nakamura, F. (in press) Combined effects of summer water temperature and current velocity on the distribution of a cold-water-adapted sculpin, Cottus nozawae. Water.

  16. Tomoki Sakiyama, Junko Morimoto, Osamu Watanabe, Nobuyuki Watanabe, and Futoshi Nakamura.(2021) Occurrence of favorable local habitat conditions in an atypical landscape: Evidence of Japanese pika microrefugia. Global Ecology and Conservation27: e01509.

  17. Kawamura K, Yamaura Y, Soga M, Spake R, Nakamura F(2021) Effects of planted tree species on biodiversity of conifer plantations in Japan: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Forest Research26:3, 237-246. DOI: 10.1080/13416979.2021.1891625

  18. Tomoki Sakiyama, Junko Morimoto, Jun Matsubayashi, Yasuto Furukawa, Mami Kondo, Hifumi Tsuruga, Tsutomu Mano, and Futoshi Nakamura(2021) Factors Influencing Lifespan Dependency on Agricultural Crops by Brown Bears.Landscape and Ecological Engineering17(3): 1-12.

  19. 永田優・森本淳子・櫻井善文・木村浩二・中村太士(2021)農地景観に造成された遊水地への流水散布.日本緑化工学会4(63): 308-315.

  20. Laneng, Lauretta Andrew; Nakamura, Futoshi; Tachiki, Yasuyuki & Vairappan, Charles S. (2021)Camera-trapping Assessment of Terrestrial Mammals and Birds in Rehabilitated Forest in INIKEA Project Area, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Landscape and Ecological Engineering (LAEE) 17(336):1-12.

  21. Motosugi, N., Nakamura, F., Nakajima, S., Takahata, C., Kawamura, K. and Morimoto, J. (2021) Factors determining vegetation recovery after abandonment of coal-mining villages. Landscape and Ecological Engineering17, pages95–106.

  22. 有賀望・森田健太郎・有賀誠・植田和俊・渡辺恵三・中村太士(2021)大都市を流れる豊平川における河川地形の経年変化とサケ産卵環境への影響について.応用生態工学23(2), 295-307.

  23. Nagayama, S., Ishiyama, N., Seno, T., Kawai, H., Kawaguchi, Y., Nakano, D. and Nakamura, F. (2020) Time series changes in fish assemblages and habitat structures caused by partial check dam removal.Water 12(12), 3357;

  24. ​ Ishiyama N, Miura K, Inoue T, Sueyoshi M & Nakamura F (2020) Geology-dependent impacts of forest conversion on stream fish diversity. Conservation Biology: .

  25. 川尻 啓太, 末吉 正尚, 石山 信雄, 太田 民久, 福澤 加里部, 中村 太士. (2020) 札幌市における雪堆積場からの融雪水が河川の水質および底生動物・付着藻類に与える影響. 応用生態工学会誌22(2): 133-148.

  26. Nakajima S., Hirota S.K., Matsuo A., Suyama Y., Nakamura F. (2020) Genetic structure and population demography of white-spotted charr in the upstream watershed of a large dam. Water 12(9),2406.

  27. Junko Morimoto, Masahiro Aiba, Flavio Frukawa, Yoshio Mishima, Nobuhiko Yoshimura, Sridhara Nayak, Tetsuya Takemi, Chihiro Haga, Takanori Matsui, Futoshi Nakamura. (2020) Risk assessment of forest disturbance by typhoons with heavy precipitation in northern Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 479.

  28. Futoshi Nakamura, Yasuharu Watanabe, Junjiro Negishi, Takumi Akasaka, Yuki Yabuhara, Akira Terui, Satoshi Yamanaka, and Miya Konno. (2020) Restoration of the shifting mosaic of floodplain forests under a flow regime altered by a dam. Ecological Engineering157,105974.

  29. Kobayashi, Y., Higa, M., Higashiyama, K., and Nakamura, F. (2020) Drivers of land-use changes in societies with decreasing populations: A
    comparison of the factors affecting farmland abandonment in a foodproduction area in Japan. PLOS ONE. (

  30. 豊島楽子・森本淳子・中村太士(2020)農地景観内の水路が水生・湿生植物の多様性保全に果たす役割.日本緑化工学会46(1), 15-20.

  31. Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Inoue, T., Suzuki, S., Umebayashi, T., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Ishibashi, S., Hara, T., and Nakamura, F. (2020) The carbon stock in salvaged forests have almost recovered in 64 years after catastrophic windthrow and salvage logging in northern Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 468: 118169.

  32. Yamada T, Koizumi I, Urabe H, & Nakamura F. (2020)Temperature-Dependent Swimming Performance Differs by Species: Implications for Condition-Specific Competition between Stream Salmonids. Zoological Science 37: 1–5.

  33. Hojo, A, Takagi, K., Avtar, R., Tadono, T. and Nakamura, F. (2020) Synthesis of L-Band SAR and forest heights derived from TanDEM-X DEM and 3 digital terrain models for biomass mapping. Remote Sensing 12(3): 349.

  34. Nakamura, F., Ishiyama, N., Yamanaka, S., Higa, M., Akasaka, T., Kobayashi, Y., Ono, S., Fuke, N., Kitazawa, M., Morimoto, J., and Shoji, Y. (2019) Adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity using green infrastructure. River Research and Applications: 1-13. 

  35. Yamanaka, S., Ishiyama, N, Senzaki, M., Morimoto, J., Kitazawa, M., Fuke, N. and Nakamura, F. (2020) Role of flood-control basins as summer habitat for wetland species - A multiple-taxon approach. Ecological Engineering 142: 105617.

  36. Ishiyama N, Miura K, Yamanaka S, Negishi J & Nakamura F (2019) Contribution of small isolated habitats in creating refuges from biological invasions along a geomorphological gradient of floodplain waterbodies. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:548–558

  37. 川尻啓太・末吉正尚・石山信雄・太田民久・福澤加里部・中村太士(2020)札幌市における雪堆積場からの融雪水が河川の水質および底生動物・付着藻類に与える影響.応用生態工学 22(2): 133-148.

  38. 畔柳晶仁・森本淳子・志田祐一郎・新庄久尚・矢部和夫・中村太士(2019)遊水地造成に伴う湿地植生の回復―千歳川流域舞鶴遊水地の事例―.緑化工学会誌 45(1):45-50.

  39. Yabuhara, Y., Yamaura, Y., Akasaka, T., Yamanaka, S., and Nakamura, F. (2019) Seasonal variation in patch and landscape effects on forest bird communities in a lowland fragmented landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 454: 117140.

  40. Miura, K., Ishiyama, N., Kawajiri, K., Atsumi, K., Tachibana, M., Nagasaka, Y., Machida, Y., Yiyang, G., Negishi, JN., Koizumi, I., and Nakamura, F. (2019) Simple non-lethal identification criteria for two endangered freshwater pearl mussels, Margaritifera laevis and Margaritifera togakushiensis, in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Ecological Research 34: 667-677.

  41. Yamaura, Y., Narita, A., Kusumoto, Y., Nagano, A. J., Tezuka, A., Okamoto, T., Takahara, H., Nakamura, F., Isagi, Y., and Lindenmayer, D (2019) Genomic reconstruction of 100,000-year grassland history in a forested country: population dynamics of specialist forbs. Biology letters 15: 20180577.

  42. Ooue, K., Ishiyama, N., Ichimura, M., and Nakamura, F. (2019) Environmental factors affecting the invasion success and morphological responses of a globally introduced crayfish in floodplain waterbodies. Biological Invasions 21: 2639-2652.

  43. Kawamura, K., Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Ueta, M., and Nakamura, F. (2019) Seasonality in spatial distribution: Climate and land-use have contrasting effects on the species richness of breeding and wintering birds. Ecology and Evolution 9: 7549-7561.

  44. Ruiz-Villanueva, V. Mazzorana, B., Bladé, E., Bürkli, L., Iribarren-Anacona, P., Mao, L., Nakamura, F., Ravazzolo, D., Rickenmann, D., Sanz-Ramos, M., Stoffel, M., and Wohl, E. (2019) Characterization of wood-laden flows in rivers. Earth Surface Proeesses and Landforms 44: 1694-1709.

  45. 三浦一輝・石山信雄・川尻啓太・渥美圭佑・長坂有・折戸聖・町田善康・臼井平・Gao Yiyang・能瀬晴菜・根岸淳二郎・中村太士(2019)北海道における希少淡水二枚貝カワシンジュガイ属2種(Margaritifera laevis, Margaritifera togakushiensis)の河川区間での生息の重複. 保全生態学研究 24: 39-48.

  46. Negishi, J., Terui, A., Badrun, N, Miura, K., Oiso, T., Sumitomo, K., Kyuka, T., Yonemoto, M., and Nakamura, F. (2019) High resilience of aquatic community to a 100-yr flood in a gravel-bed river. Landscape and Ecological Engineering15: 143-154.

  47. Morimoto, J., Nakagawa, K., Takano, K. T., Aiba, M., Oguro, M., Furukawa, Y., Mishima, Y., Ogawa, K., Ito, R., Takemi, T., Nakamura, F., and Peterson, C. J. (2019) Comparison of vulnerability to storm wind between Abies plantation forests and natural mixed forests in northern Japan. Forestry 92: 436-443.

  48. Kitazawa, M., Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Kawamura, K., Hanioka, M., Nakamura, F. (2019) An evaluation of five agricultural habitat types for openland birds: abandoned farmland can have comparative values to undisturbed wetland. Ornithological Science 18: 3-16.

  49. Nakano Y, Senzaki M, Ishiyama N, Yamanaka S, Miura K, and Nakamura F. (2018) Noise pollution alters matrix permeability for dispersing anurans: differential effects among land covers. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e00484.

  50. Hanioka, M., Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Yamanaka, S., Kawamura, K., and Nakamura, F. (2018) Assessing the landscape-dependent restoration potential of abandoned farmland using a hierarchical model of bird communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 265: 217-22

  51. Ishiyama, N., Ryo, M., Kataoka, T., Nagayama, S., Sueyoshi, M., Terui, A., Mori, T., Akasaka, T. Nakamura, F. (2018) Predicting the ecological impacts of large dam removals on a river network based on habitat network structure and flow regimes. Conservation Biology 32: 1403-1413.

  52. Nakano, D., Nagayama, S., Kawaguchi, Y. Nakamura, F. (2018) Significance of the stable foundations provided and created by large wood for benthic fauna in the Shibetsu River, Japan. Ecological Engineering 120: 249-259.

  53. Terui, A., Ishiyama, N., Urabe, H., Ono, S., Finlay, J. C., Nakamura, F.(2018)Metapopulation stability in branching river networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  54. Senzaki, M., Kadoya, T., Francis, C., Ishiyama, N., Nakamura, F. (2018) Suffering in receivers: negative effects of noise persist regardless of experience in female anurans. Functional Ecology 32: 2054–2064.

  55. Hanioka, M., Yamaura, Y., Yamanaka, S., Senzaki, M., Kawamura, K., Terui, A., and Nakamura, F. (2018) How much abandoned farmland is required to harbor comparable species richness and abundance of bird communities in wetland? Hierarchical community model suggests the importance of habitat and landscape variables. Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 1831–1848.

  56. Terui, A., Negishi, J., Watanabe, N., and Nakamura, F. (2018) Stream resource gradients drive consumption rates of supplemental prey in the adjacent riparian zone. Ecosystems 21: 772-781.

  57. Nagayama, S and Nakamura, F. (2018) The significance of meandering channel to habitat diversity and fish assemblage: a case study in the Shibetsu River, northern Japan. Limnology 19: 7-20.

  58. Terui A, Ooue K, Urabe H, Nakamura F (2017) Parasite infection induces size-dependent host dispersal: consequences for parasite persistence. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 284:20171491.

  59. Yoshida, T., Naito, S., Nagumo, M., Hyodo, N., Inoue, T., Umegane, H., Yamazaki, H., Miya, H. and Nakamura, F. (2017) Structural complexity and ecosystem functions in a natural mixed forest under a single-tree selection silviculture. Sustainability 9, 2093; doi:10.3390/su9112093.

  60. Senzaki, M., Yamaura, Y., Shoji, Y., Kubo, T., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Citizens promote the conservation of flagship species more than ecosystem services in wetland restoration. Biological Conservation 214: 1-5.

  61. Yamanaka, S., Akasaka, T., Yabuhara, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Influence of farmland abandonment on the species composition of wetland ground beetles in Kushiro, Japan. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249: 31-37.

  62. Shimazaki, A., Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Yabuhara, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Mobbing call experiment suggests the enhancement of forest bird movement by tree cover in urban landscapes across seasons. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(1):16.

  63. Sueyoshi, M., Tojo, K., Ishiyama, N., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Response of aquatic insects along gradients of agricultural development and flood magnitude in northern Japanese streams. Aquatic Sciences 79: 985-994.

  64. Senzaki, M., Yamaura, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Predicting offsite impacts on breeding success of the marsh harrier. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:973-981.

  65. Ooue, K., Terui, A., Urabe, H., and Nakamura, F. (2017) A delayed effect of the aquatic parasite Margaritifera laevis on the growth of the salmonid host fish Oncorhynchus masou masou. Limnology 18: 345–351

  66. Morimoto, J, Shibata, M., Shida, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Wetland restoration by natural succession in abandoned pastures with a degraded soil seed bank. Restoration Ecology 25: 1005-1014

  67. Wakui, A., Sueyoshi, M., Shimokawabe, A., Kudo, G., Morimoto, J., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Environmental factors determining the distribution of highland plants at low-altitude algific talus sites. Ecological Research 32: 183-191.

  68. 吉井千晶・山浦悠一・小林慶子・竹中健・赤坂卓美・中村太士(2017)動的分布モデルを用いたシマフクロウの個体群再生計画下における分布拡大予測.保全生態学研究 22: 105-120.

  69. Terui, A., Akasaka, T., Negishi, J. N. Uemura, F., and Nakamura, F. (2017) Species-specific use of allochthonous resources by ground beetles (Carabidae) at a river–land interface. Ecological Research 32: 27-35.

  70. Yamaura, Y., Schmaljohann, H., Lisovski, S., Senzaki, M. Kawamura, K., Fujimaki, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2017) Tracking the Stejneger's stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri along the East Asian–Australian Flyway from Japan via China to southeast Asia. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 197–202

  71. Nakamura, F., Seo, J. Il., Akasaka, T., and Swanson, F. J. (2017) Large wood, sediment, and flow regimes: Their interactions and temporal changes caused by human impacts in Japan. Geomorphology 279: 176–187.

  72. Matsubayashi, J., Otsubo, K., Morimoto, J., Nakamura, F., Nose, T. and Tayasu, I (2016) Feeding habits may explain the morphological uniqueness of brown bears on Etorofu Island, Southern Kuril Islands in East Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119: 99–105.

  73. Shimokawabe, A., Yamaura, Y., Sueyoshi, M., Kudo, G., and Nakamura, F. (2016) Genetic structure of Vaccinium vitis-idaea in lowland cool spot and alpine populations: microrefugia of alpine plants in the midlatitudes. Alpine Botany 126: 143–151.

  74. Senzaki M., Yamaura Y., Francis, C., and Nakamura F. (2016) Traffic noise reduces foraging efficiency in wild owls. Scientific Reports, August 18, 2016. DOI: 10.1038/srep30602.

  75. Shimazaki, A., Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Yabuhara, Y., Akasaka, T., and Nakamura, F. (2016) Urban permeability for birds: An approach combining mobbing-call experiments and circuit theory. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 19: 167–175.

  76. Yamaura, Y., Shoji, Y., Mitsuda, Y., Utsugi, H., Tsuge, T., Kuriyama, K. and Nakamura, F. (2016) How many broadleaved trees are enough in conifer plantations? The economy of land sharing, land sparing and quantitative targets. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1117-1126.

  77. Kawamura, K. Yamaura, Y., Senzaki, M., Yabuhara, Y., Akasaka, T., Nakamura, F. (2016) Effects of land use and climate on the distribution of the Jungle Nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Ornithological Science 15: 203-212.

  78. Sueyoshi, M., Ishiyama, N., and Nakamura, F. (2016) β diversity decline of aquatic insects at the microhabitat scale associated with agricultural land use, Landscape and Ecosystem Engineering. 12: 187–196.

  79. Shimokawabe, A., Yamaura, Y., Akasaka, T. Sato, T., Shida, Y., Yamanaka, S., and Nakamura, F. (2016) The distribution of cool spots as microrefugia in a mountainous area. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135732. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135732

  80. Senzaki, M, Yamaura, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2016) The usefulness of top predators as biodiversity surrogates indicated by the relationship between the reproductive outputs of raptors and other bird species. Biological Conservation 191: 460–468.

  81. Ishiyama, N., Sueyoshi, M., Watanabe, N. and Nakamura, F. (2016) Biodiversity and rarity distributions of native freshwater fish in an agricultural landscape: the importance of β diversity between and within waterbody types. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and freshwater Ecosystems 26: 416–428.

  82. Ishiyama, N., Sueyoshi, M., Nakamura, F. (2016) To what extent do human-altered landscapes retain population connectivity? : historical changes in gene flow of the wetland fish Pungitius pungitius. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150033.

  83. Kajihara, K., Yamaura, Y., Soga, M., Furukawa, Y., Morimoto, J., and Nakamura, F. (2016) Urban shade as a cryptic habitat: Fern distribution in building gaps in Sapporo, northern Japan. Urban Ecosystems19: 523-534.

  84. Seo, J. Il., Nakamura, F.*, Chun, K. W., Kim, S. W., and Grant, G. E. (2015) Precipitation patterns control the distribution and export of large wood at the catchment scale. Hydrological Processes 29: 5044–5057.* Corresponding author

  85. Matsubayashi, J., Morimoto, J., Tayasu, I., Mano, T., Nakajima, M., Takahashi, O., Kobayashi, K. and Nakamura, F. (2015) Major decline in marine and terrestrial animal consumption by brown bears (Ursus arctos). Scientific Reports 5: Article number 9203, doi:10.1038/srep09203.

  86. Ishiyama, N., Koizumi, I., Yuta, T. and Nakamura, F. (2015) Differential effects of spatial network structure and scale on population size and genetic diversity of the ninespine stickleback in a remnant wetland system. Freshwater Biology 60: 733-744.

  87. Yamanaka, S., Akasaka, T., Yamaura, Y., Kaneko, M. and Nakamura, F. (2015) Time-lagged responses of indicator taxa to temporal landscape changes in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Indicators 48: 593-598.

  88. Yoshii, C., Yamaura, Y., Soga, M., Shibuya, M. and Nakamura, F. (2015) Comparable benefits of land sparing and sharing indicated by bird responses to stand-level plantation intensity in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research 20: 167-174.

  89. Yabuhara, Y., Yamaura, Y., Akasaka, T, and Nakamura, F. (2015) Predicting long-term changes in riparian bird communities in floodplain landscapes. River Research and Applications 31: 109-119.

  90. Matsubayashi, J., Morimoto, J., Mano, T., Aryal, A and Nakamura, F. (2014) Using stable isotopes to understand the feeding ecology of the Hokkaido brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Japan. Ursus 25(2): 87-97.

  91. Nakamura, F., Ishiyama, N., Sueyoshi, M., Negishi, J. and Akasaka, T. (2014) The significance of meander restoration for the hydrogeomorphology and recovery of wetland organisms in the Kushiro River, a lowland river in Japan. Restoration Ecology 22: 544-554.

  92. Ishiyama N, Akasaka T & Nakamura F. (2014) Mobility-dependent response of aquatic animal species richness to a wetland network in an agricultural landscape. Aquatic Science 76: 437-449.

  93. Fuyuki, A., Yamaura, Y., Nakajima, Y., Ishiyama, N., Akasaka, T. and Nakamura, F. (2014) Pond area and distance from continuous forests affect amphibian egg distributions in urban green spaces: A case study in Sapporo, Japan. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 13: 397-402.

  94. Kawai, H., Nagayama, S., Urabe, H, Akasaka, T. and Nakamura, F. (2014) Combining energetic profitability and cover effects to evaluate salmonid habitat quality. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97: 575-586.

  95. Sueyoshi, M., Nakano, D and Nakamura, F. (2014) The relative contributions of refugium types to the population persistence of benthic invertebrates in a seasonal snowmelt flood. Freshwater Biology 59: 257–271.

  96. Toyoshima, Y., Yamaura, Y., Mitsuda, Y., Yabuhara, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2013) Reconciling wood production with bird conservation: A regional analysis using bird distribution models and forestry scenarios in Tokachi district, northern Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 307: 54–62.

  97. Kawai, H., Ishiyama, N., Hasegawa, K. and Nakamura, F. (2013) The relationship between the snowmelt flood and the establishment of non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta) in streams of the Chitose River, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22: 645–653.

  98. Morimoto, M., Morimoto, J., Moriya, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2013) Forest restoration following a windthrow: how legacy retention versus plantation after salvaging alters the trajectory of initial recovery. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 9: 259-270.

  99. Toyoshima, Y., Yamaura, Y., Yabuhara, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2013) A preliminary study on the effects of line and selective thinning on bird communities in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Journal of Forestry Research 24: 553-559.

  100. Kikuchi, K, Akasaka, T., Yamaura, Y., and Nakamura, F. (2013) Abundance and use of cavity trees at the tree- and stand-levels in natural and plantation forests in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Forest Research 18: 389-397.

  101. 森谷佳晃・森本未星・森本淳子・中村太士(2012)風倒後の処理とエゾシカの採食およびそれに起因する植生の影響.日本森林学会誌 94: 10-16

  102. 山中聡・赤坂卓美・中村太士(2012)北海道内のモモジロコウモリMyotis macrodactylusにおける音声の地域変異. 哺乳類科学 51(2): 265-275

  103. Nakamura, F., Fuke, N. and Kubo, M. (2012) Contributions of large wood to the initial establishment and diversity of riparian vegetation in a bar-braided temperate river. Plant Ecology 213: 735-747

  104. Ishiyama, N., Nagayama, S., Akasaka, T. and Nakamura, F. (2012) Habitat use by endangered Japanese crayfish (Cambaroides japonicus) in low-gradient streams of southern Hokkaido, Japan: Reach and microhabitat scale analysis. Hydrobiologia.686: 257-266.

  105. Seo, J. I., Nakamura, F., Akasaka, T., Ichiyanagi, H and Chun, K. W. (2012) Large wood export regulated by the pattern and intensity of precipitation along a latitudinal gradient in the Japanese archipelago. Water Resources Research 48, W03510, doi:10.1029/2011WR010880.

  106. Nagayama S., Nakamura F., Kawaguchi Y., Nakano D. (2012) Effects of configuration of instream wood on autumn and winter habitat use by fish in a large remeandering reach. Hydrobiologia 680: 159-170.

  107. Nakagawa, Y., Nakamura, T., Yamada, H., Nakamura, F. (2012) Changes in nitrogen and base cation concentrations in soil water due to the tree cutting in a wetland alder forest in the Kushiro Wetland, northern Japan. Limnology 13: 27-36.

  108. Akasaka, T., Akasaka, M. and Nakamura, F. (2012) Scale-independent significance of river and riparian zones on three sympatric Myotis species in an agricultural landscape. Biological Conservation 145: 15-23

  109. Shida, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2011) Microenvironmental conditions for Japanese alder seedling establishment in a hummocky fen. Plant Ecology 212: 1819–1829. DOI 10.1007/s11258-011-9951-x.

  110. Katagiri, K, Yabe, K., Nakamura, F., Sakurai, Y. (2011) Factors controlling the distribution of aquatic macrophyte communities with special reference to the rapid expansion of a semi-emergent Phalaris arundinacea L. in Bibi River, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Limnology 12: 175-185.

  111. Morimoto, J., Morimoto, M. and Nakamura, F. (2011) Initial vegetation recovery following a blowdown of a conifer plantation in monsoonal East Asia: impacts of legacy retention, salvaging, site preparation, and weeding. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1353-1361.

  112. Takahashi, M. and Nakamura, F. (2011) Impacts of dam-regulated flows on channel morphology and riparian vegetation: a longitudinal analysis of Satsunai River, Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 7: 65-77.

  113. 樋村正雄・西浩司・中村太士・川口究・鳥居高明・竹内洋子西川正敏・五道仁実・楯慎一郎・黒崎靖介・村上まり恵(2010)物理環境による河川環境診断(Ⅱ)-河川生物群集による診断結果の検証-.応用生態工学 13: 9-23.

  114. Fremier, A.K., Seo, J.I. and Nakamura, F. (2010) Watershed controls on the export of large wood from stream corridors. Geomorphology 117: 33-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.11.003

  115. 永美暢久・矢部和夫・中村太士(2010)北海道勇払地方における安平川河道閉鎖後の残存フェン群落の種組成と分布パターンの変化.保全生態学研究15 : 29-38.

  116. Ahn, Y., Nakamura, F. and Chun, K. W. (2010) Recent history of sediment dynamics in Lake Toro and applicability of 210Pb dating in a highly disturbed catchment in northern Japan. Geomorphology 114: 284-293. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.07.009

  117. Ahn, Y., Nakamura, F., Kizuka, T., Nakamura, Y. (2009) Elevated sedimentation in lake records linked to agricultural activities in the Ishikari River floodplain, northern Japan. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34: 1650–1660. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1854

  118. Miya, H., Yoshida, T. , Noguchi, N., Nakamura, F. (2009) Individual growing conditions that affect diameter increment of tree saplings after selection harvesting in a mixed forest in northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research. 14:302–310. DOI 10.1007/s10310-009-0136-6

  119. Shida, Y., Nakamura, F., Yamada, H., Nakamura, T., Yoshimura, N., and Kaneko, M. (2009) Factors determining the expansion of alder forests in a wetland isolated by artificial dikes and drainage ditches. Wetlands 29: 988-996. DOI: 10.1672/08-175.1

  120. Yamada, H., and Nakamura, F. (2009) Effects of fine sediment accumulation on the redd environment and the survival rate of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) embryos. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5: 169-181. DOI: 10.1007/s11355-009-0065-8

  121. 石山信雄・渡辺恵三・永山滋也・中村太士・劒持浩高・高橋浩揮・丸岡昇・岩瀬晴夫 (2009) 河床の岩盤化が河川性魚類の生息環境に及ぼす影響と礫河床の復元に向けた現地実験の評価. 応用生態工学 12: 57-66.

  122. Akasaka, T., Nakano, D. and Nakamura, F. (2009) Influence of prey variables, food supply, and river restoration on the foraging activity of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) in the Shibetsu River, a large lowland river in Japan. Biological Conservation 142: 1302-1310.

  123. Seo, J. I. and Nakamura, F. (2009) Scale-dependent controls upon the fluvial export of large wood from river catchments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34: 786-800. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1765

  124. Nagayama S., Kawaguchi Y., Nakano D. and Nakamura F. (2009) Summer microhabitat partitioning by different size classes of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in habitats formed by installed large wood in a large lowland river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 42-51.

  125. 森本淳子・竹位尚子・佐藤弘和・金子正美・中村 太士(2009)「森林機能評価基準」による北海道白老町ウヨロ川流域の水土保全機能評価.景観生態学 13: 113-121.

  126. 村上まり恵・黒崎靖介・中村太士・五道仁実・楯慎一郎・西浩司・樋村正雄(2008)物理環境による河川環境診断(Ⅰ)-リファレンスとの乖離度による評価-.応用生態工学 11-2: 133-152.

  127. Ahn, Y., Nakamura, F. and Mizugaki, S. (2008) Hydrology, suspended sediment dynamics and nutrient loading in Lake Takkobu, a degrading lake ecosystem in Kushiro Mire, northern Japan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 145: 267-281. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-0036-1.

  128. Yamada, H., Nakamura, F., Watanabe Y., Murakami, M. and Nogami, T. (2008) Reply to comment on ‘Yamada H, Nakamura F, Watanabe Y, Murakami M and Nogami T. 2005. Measuring hydraulic permeability in a streambed using the packer test. Hydrological Processes 19: 2507–2524’. Hydrological Processes 22: 3545.

  129. Nakano, D. and Nakamura, F. (2008) The significance of meandering channel morphology on the diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates in a lowland river in Japan. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18: 780-798. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.885.

  130. Seo, J. I., Nakamura, F., Nakano, D., Ichiyanagi, H and Chun, K. W. (2008) Factors controlling the fluvial export of large woody debris, and its contribution to organic carbon budgets at watershed scales. Water Resources Research 44, W04428, doi:10.1029/2007WR006453

  131. Kumagai, Y, Ahn Y., Nakamura, F. (2008) Recent human impact on vegetation in Takkobu, northern Japan, reconstructed from fossil pollen in lake sediments. Journal of Forest Research 13: 223-232. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-008-0075-7.

  132. 中野 大助・久原 直利・赤坂 卓美・中村 太士(2007)北海道標津川の本流と河跡湖におけるトビケラ相. 陸水生物学報 (Biology of Inland Waters) 22: 37-45.

  133. 赤坂卓美・柳川 久・中村太士(2007)コウモリ類による日中のねぐらとしての橋梁の利用 -北海道帯広市の事例-.保全生態学研究 12(2): 87-93.

  134. Nagayama, S. and Nakamura, F. (2007) Juvenile masu salmon in a regulated river. River Research and Applications 23: 671-682. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1009

  135. Nakamura, F., Shin, N., Inahara, S. (2007) Shifting mosaic in maintaining diversity of floodplain tree species in the northern temperate zone of Japan. Forest Ecology and Management 241: 28-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2006.12.022.

  136. Nakano, D., Kuhara, N. and Nakamura, F. (2007) Changes in size structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages with habitat modification by aggregations of caddisfly cases. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(1): 103-110. 

  137. Nakano, D., Akasaka, T., Kohzu, A. and Nakamura, F. (2007) Food sources of Sand Martins Riparia riparia during their breeding season: insights from stable-isotope analysis. Bird Study 54: 142-144.

  138. 渡辺恵三・中村太士・小林美樹・柳井清治・米田隆夫・渡邊康玄・丸岡昇・北谷啓幸(2006)河川の階層構造に着目したサクラマス幼魚の越冬環境―越冬環境を考慮した川づくりの提言-.応用生態工学 9-2: 151-165.

  139. Nakano, D and Nakamura, F. (2006) Responses of macroinvertebrate communities to river restoration in a channelized segment of the Shibetsu River, Northern Japan. River Research and Applications 22: 681-689.

  140. Nakano, D and Nakamura, F. (2006) Lateral variation of a lotic macroinvertebrate community from the headwater to lowland meandering stream in the Nishibetsu River basin, northern Japan. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 29: 1377-1382.

  141. Mizugaki, S., Nakamura, F., Araya, T. (2006) Using dendrogeomorphology and 137Cs and 210Pb radiochronology to estimate recent changes in sedimentation rates in Kushiro Mire, Northern Japan, resulting from land use change and river channelization. Catena 68: 25-40.

  142. Ahn, Y., Mizugaki, S., Nakamura, F., Nakamura, Y. (2006) Historical change in lake sedimentation in Lake Takkobu, Kushiro Mire, northern Japan over the last 300 years. Geomorphology 78: 321-334. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.01.036.

  143. 中野大助・布川雅典・中村太士(2005)再蛇行化に伴う底生動物群集の組成と分布の変化.応用生態工学 7-2: 173-186.

  144. 河口洋一・中村太士・萱場祐一(2005)標津川下流域で行った試験的な川の再蛇行化に伴う魚類と生息環境の変化.応用生態工学 7-2: 187-199.

  145. Yamada, H., Nakamura, F., Watanabe Y., Murakami, M. and Nogami, T. (2005) Measuring hydraulic permeability in a streambed using the packer test. Hydrological Processes 19: 2507-2524. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.5688.

  146. Tachiki, Y., Yoshimura, T., Hasegawa, H., Mita, T., Sakai, T., and Nakamura, F. (2005) Effects of polyline simplification of dynamic GPS data under forest canopy on area and perimeter estimations. Journal of Forest Research 10: 419-427. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-005-0161-z.

  147. Tachiki, Y., Yoshimura, T., Hasegawa, H., Mita, T., Sakai, T. and Nakamura, F. (2005) GPS positioning accuracy while walking under forest canopy in summer and winter seasons. The Japan Forest Engineering Society 20(1): 23-28.

  148. Shin, N. and Nakamura, F. (2005) Effects of fluvial geomorphology on riparian tree species  in Rekifune River, northern Japan. Plant Ecology 178: 15-28. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-004-2484-9.

  149. Nakamura, F. and Yamada, H. (2005) The effects of pasture development on the ecological functions of riparian forests in Hokkaido in northern Japan. Ecological Engineering 24: 539-550.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2005.01.010.

  150. 中村隆俊・山田浩之・仲川泰則・笠井由紀・中村太士・渡辺綱男(2004)自然再生事業区域釧路湿原広里地区における湿原環境の実態-植生と環境の対応関係からみた攪乱の影響評価-.応用生態工学 7-1: 53-64.

  151. 山田浩之・中村隆俊・仲川泰則・神谷雄一郎・中村太士・渡辺綱男(2004)自然再生事業区域釧路湿原広里地区における湿原環境の実態-酪農草地化および河川改修が湿原地下水環境に及ぼす影響-.応用生態工学 7-1: 37-51.

  152. Shibata, H., Sugawara, O., Toyoshima, H., Wondzell, S. M., Nakamura, F., Kasahara, T., Swanson, F. J. and Sasa, K. (2004) Nitrogen dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a forested stream during a small storm, Hokkaido, Japan. Biogeochemistry 69: 83-104.

  153. Nakamura, F., Kameyama, S. and Mizugaki, S. (2004) Rapid shrinkage of Kushiro Mire, the largest mire in Japan, due to increased sedimentation associated with land-use development in the catchment. Catena 55: 213-229. DOI: 10.1016/S0341-8162(03)00119-X.

  154. 立木靖之、吉村哲彦、長谷川尚史、酒井徹朗、尾張敏章、三田友規、中村太士(2003)森林における歩行時のGPS測位精度評価.日本林学会誌86: 5-11.

  155. 佐川志朗・山下茂明・佐藤公俊・中村太士(2003)北海道北部の河川支流域における秋季イトウ未成魚の生息場所と採餌様式.日本生態学会誌 53-2: 95-105

  156. 佐川志朗・三沢勝也・妹尾優二・中村太士(2003)北海道南部小渓流河川におけるシシャモの産卵場所選択.魚類雑誌 50-1: 63-66.

  157. 高木麻衣,中村太士 (2003) ダムによる流量調節が河畔林に及ぼす影響について-北海道札内川の事例-.日本林学会誌 85: 214-221.

  158. 佐川志朗・中村太士・妹尾優二・木村明彦・三沢勝也・入江潔・藤田真人・渡辺敏也(2002)北海道渡島地方小渓流河川における魚類の春季生息場所選択-実験的管理における作業仮説の提示-.応用生態工学 5-1: 85-102.

  159. 佐川志朗・山下茂明・中村太士(2002)北海道天塩川水系一支流におけるイトウ成魚の夏季生息場所利用-イトウ生息地保全事項の提示-.日本生態学会誌 52-2: 167-176.

  160. Yamada, H. and Nakamura, F. (2002) Effect of fine sediment deposition and channel works on periphyton biomass in the Makomanai River, northern Japan. River Research and Applications 18: 481-493. DOI: 10.1002/rra.688.

  161. Nakamura, F., Jitsu, M., Kameyama, S., and Mizugaki, S. (2002) Changes in riparian forests in the Kushiro Mire, Japan, associated with stream channelization. River Research and Applications 18: 65-79

  162. 渡辺恵三・中村太士・加村邦茂・山田浩之・渡邊康玄・土屋進(2001)河川改修が底生魚類の分布と生息環境におよぼす影響.応用生態工学 4-2: 133-146

  163. 村上まり恵・山田浩之・中村太士(2001)北海道南部の山地小河川における細粒土砂の堆積と浮き石および河床内の透水性に関する研究.応用生態工学 4-2: 109-120

  164. Kameyama, S, Yamagata, Y, Nakamura, F., Kaneko, M. (2001) Development of WTI and turbidity estimation model using SMA -- Application to Kushiro Mire, eastern Hokkaido, Japan --. Remote Sensing of Environment 77: 1-9

  165. Nakamura, F., Swanson, F.J. and Wondzell, S.M. (2000) Disturbance regimes of stream and riparian systems - a disturbance-cascade perspective. Hydrological Processes 14: 2849-2860

  166. Adikari, Y., Kikuchi, S. and Nakamura, F. (2000) Effects of the physical and chemical characteristics of sediment on vegetation in a volcanic mudflow scar. Transactions Jpn. Geomorphological Union 21-2: 193-207

  167. 水垣滋・中村太士 (1999) 放射性降下物を用いた釧路湿原河川流入部における土砂堆積厚の推定.日本地形学連合学会誌(地形) 20-2: 97-112

  168. 笹岡英二・矢島崇・渋谷正人・高橋邦秀・中村太士・清水収 (1999) 北海道駒ヶ岳における天然生カラマツ林の林分構造と成立過程.日本林学会誌 81: 22-28

  169. 岸千春・中村太士・井上幹生 (1999) 北海道南西部の小河川幌内川における落葉の収支および滞留様式.日本生態学会誌 49: 11-20

  170. 阿部俊夫・中村太士 (1999) 倒流木の除去が河川地形および魚類生息場所におよぼす影響.応用生態工学 2-2: 179-190

  171. Nagasaka, A. and Nakamura, F. (1999) The influences of land-use changes on hydrology and riparian environment in a northern Japanese landscape. Landscape Ecology 14: 543-556

  172. Nakamura, F. (1998) Application of landscape ecology to watershed management - How can we restore ecological functions in fragmented landscape? -. Korean J. Ecol. 21-4: 373-382

  173. Yoshida, K., Kikuchi, S., Nakamura, F. and Noda, M. (1997) Dendrochronological analysis of debris flow disturbance on Rishiri Island. Geomorphology 20: 135-145

  174. Sugimoto, S., Nakamura, F. and Ito, A. (1997) Heat budget and statistical analysis of the relationship between stream temperature and riparian forest in the Toikanbetsu Stream, northern Japan. Journal of Forest Research 2: 103-107

  175. Nakamura, F., Yajima, T. and Kikuchi, S. (1997) Structure and composition of riparian forests with special reference to geomorphic site conditions in the Tokachi River, northern Japan. Plant Ecology 133: 209-219

  176. Nakamura, F., Sudo, T., Kameyama, S.and Jitsu, M. (1997) Influences of channelization on discharge of suspended sediment and wetland vegetation in Kushiro Marsh, northern Japan. Geomorphology 18: 279-289

  177. Inoue, M., Nakano, S. and Nakamura, F. (1997) Juvenile masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) abundance and stream habitat relationships in northern Japan. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 1331-1341

  178. 有賀 誠・中村太士・菊池俊一・矢島 崇 (1996) 十勝川上流域における河畔林の林分構造および立地環境-隣接斜面との比較から-.日本林学会誌 78: 354-362

  179. 阿部俊夫・中村太士 (1996) 北海道北部の緩勾配小河川における倒流木による淵およびカバーの形成.日本林学会誌 78: 36-42

  180. Nakamura, F. and Kikuchi, S. (1996) Some methodological developments in the analysis of sediment transport processes using age distribution of floodplain deposits. Geomorphology 16: 139-145

  181. 齋藤正美・新谷 融・中村太士 (1995) 北海道南西沖地震にともなう奥尻島の斜面崩壊の特徴と土砂滞留.砂防学会誌(新砂防) 47-6: 28-33

  182. 坂本知己・土屋俊幸・佐野 真・中村太士・梶 光一・伊藤晶子 (1995)ランドスケープ概念による流域管理計画策定に関する一考察.日本林学会誌77: 55-65

  183. Nakamura, F., Maita, H., and Araya, T. (1995) Sediment routing analyses based on chronological changes in hillslope and riverbed morphologies. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20: 333-346

  184. Nakamura, F. (1995) Structure and function of riparian zone and implication for Japanese river management. Transactions Jpn. Geomorphological Union 16-3: 237-256

  185. 伊藤晶子・中村太士 (1994) 資源の多様性と総合的管理に関する一考察 -土地保全的視点から-.日本林学会誌 76: 160-171

  186. 伊藤 哲・中村太士 (1994) 地表変動に伴う森林群集の撹乱様式と更新機構.森林立地学会誌(森林立地) 36-2: 31-40

  187. Nakamura, F. and Swanson, F.J. (1994) Distribution of coarse woody debris in a mountain stream, western Cascade Range, Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24: 2395-2403

  188. 井上涼子・中村太士 (1993) 流域環境整備における流出抑制施設の役割-札幌市伏篭川の事例-.水利科学 212: 45-65

  189. Nakamura, F. and Swanson, F.J. (1993) Effects of coarse woody debris on morphology and sediment storage of a mountain stream system in western Oregon. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 18: 43-61

  190. 菊池俊一・新谷 融・清水 収・中村太士 (1992) 造林木におけるアテ材形成と地すべり変動履歴.地すべり学会誌(地すべり) 29-3: 1-9

  191. 宮縁育夫・中村太士 (1991) 樽前火山・覚生唐沢源頭部における斜面侵食の季節変化.日本地形学連合学会誌(地形)12-4: 367-377

  192. 中村太士 (1990) 河床堆積地の時間的・空間的分布に関する考察.日本林学会誌 72: 99-108

  193. 清水 収・中村太士・新谷融 (1990) 1988~89年十勝岳噴火にともなう火山噴出物の流動状況について.砂防学会誌(新砂防) 42-6: 35-40

  194. 中村太士・百海琢司 (1989) 河畔林の河川水温への影響に関する熱収支的考察.日本林学会誌 71: 387-394

  195. 岡村俊邦・中村太士 (1989) 自然河川の流路変動と河川環境に関する砂防学的研究.水利科学 32-6: 32-53

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  198. 馬場仁志・中村太士・新谷 融 (1983) 富良野川上流域における堆積域の分布特性と土石移動規模.砂防学会誌(新砂防) 36-1: 8-16

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