Ph.D. students

Research subject: Biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscape
Research interests: Evaluation of avian habitat suitability of abandoned farmland across Japan
Predicting the vegetation succession of abandoned farmland across Japan
Quantifying the impacts of habitat clearance for agricultural use on bird communities
Conservation of endangered bird species
Munehiro Kitazawa

Research subject: The importance of forest rehabilitation for the
community of terrestrial mammals and birds in Sabah,
Malaysian Borneo
Research interests: Conservation and management of forest habitats and wildlife ecology
Lauretta Andrew Laneng

Research subject: Geographic information systems and remote sensing
techniques to identify areas affected by catastrophic natural
Research interests:remote sensing, change detection, natural disturbances
Flavio Furukawa

Wataru Hotta
Research subject: The effects of natural disturbance and management on forest-ecosystem service under climate change
Research interests: Sustainability, Landscape ecology, Carbon storage, Climate change
Masters Students

Hitomi Kawai
Research subject: The factors of vegetation recovery at mountains of coal mine debris
Research interests: rehabilitation after disturbance, vegetation recovery

Minako Takahara
Research subject: Ecological and social changes in cultural landscapes and future landscape transitions

Natsuki Yamada
Research subject: Effects of different post-remediation treatments on vegetation in the surface failure area of the Hokkaido earthquake
Research interests: the mechanism and legacy for earlier vegetation recovery after disturbance
Syun Todate

Research subject:Relationship between aquatic insect fauna and environmental factors in a spring area

Midori Hasegawa
Research subject:Effects of landscape changes caused by the Hokkaido earthquake on habitat selection of Ezo sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis)
Research interests: Deer ecology, habitat selection, seasonal migration

Naho Haruguchi
Research subject:biodiversity assessment after landslide from seedling emergences.
Research interests: Process of vegetation recovery in collapsed areas

Motoaki Moriya
Research subject:The impact of noise on sound communication of Parus minor
Undergraduates Students

Kaoru Iwata
Research subject:Vegetation Restoration on Abandoned Forest Roads
Research interests: Effects of fallen driftwood on fish
Ikumi Oda
Research subject:The Impact of Changes in River Water Volume on Fish Habitat
Gakuto Nihei
Research subject:butterfly
Shota Hayama
Research subject:Use of riparian forests by Ezo sika deer in the city of Sapporo
Research interests: Relationship between wildlife and human activities
Ryota Fujimura
Research subject:Investigation of environmental factors affecting deer feeding damage in hardwood plantations
Research interests: Nuisance wildlife management